.. _macOS_setup: macOS setup =========== ssh connection to VM -------------------- You can open your terminal and ssh-login to the Quantum Mobile VM by :: % ssh -p 2222 -l max where the password is ``moritz``. The IP address can be modified at ``Settings->Newtork->Port Forwarding`` .. image:: virtual-box-macOS-pf.jpg :width: 50% :align: center X forwarding ------------ X forwarding via ssh is useful to open graphical tools in Quantum Mobule to display it on your computer. For this you need to install XQuartz. This is downloaded at https://www.xquartz.org/. X forwarding is activated with ``-X`` or ``--Y`` option of ssh:: % ssh -p 2222 -l max -X ssh login using public and private keys --------------------------------------- Setting up a pair of public and private ssh keys, you can login to Quantum Mobile without a passphrase. This pair of keys are generated by ``ssh-keygen`` that is included in macOS. More information is found at https://aiida-tutorials.readthedocs.io/en/latest/pages/2019_ISSP_Chiba_Japan/sections/setup.html#linux-and-macos. Save ssh long setting to ``.ssh/config`` ---------------------------------------- All above settings are integrated into a ``.ssh/config`` like:: Host aiidatutorial Hostname Port 2222 User max IdentityFile ~/.ssh/aiida_tutorial ForwardX11 yes ForwardX11Trusted yes LocalForward 8888 localhost:8888 LocalForward 5000 localhost:5000 ServerAliveInterval 120 Then you can login by :: % ssh aiidatutorial Here ``aiidatutorial`` is the nickname and can be modified even shorter name.